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Project Summary: was originally developed as a online resource to assist pickup soccer groups in the organization of their pickup games. What started out as a single, flat HTML page for a simple 5 v 5 game in Charleston grew to ultimately be a resource for upwards of 1,500 people in roughly 25 cities up and down the east coast of the United States.

The site functioned in several ways. It provided city admins the ability to manage users/players, assign pickup locations, and oversee discussion forums, polls, photo galleries, a blog and mailing lists. The site had a fairly simple concept that attracted enough local city sponsors to support the development and maintenance of the platform by a single part-time developer.

Tools Used:

HTML, CSS, Custom PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

Active Link: is no longer an active site (other than to serve as a resource for a local Asheville soccer club). However the attached is a newspaper report describing Spoccer activities at the beginning of its heyday.

You can find an old archive of the site here.