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Project Summary:

The Marine Genomics project was a genomics initiative developed to provide a data-analysis pipeline for the curation of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and gene expression microarray data for marine organisms. It provided a unique clearing-house for marine specific EST and microarray data.

The data-analysis pipeline automated the processing, maintenance, storage and analysis of EST and microarray data for a number of marine species. It currently contains 19 species databases (over 46,000 EST sequences) that are maintained by registered users from local and remote locations in Europe and South America in addition to the USA.

A collection of analysis tools was built. These include a pipeline upload tool for EST FASTA file, sequence trace file and microarray data, an annotative text search, automated sequence trimming, sequence quality control (QA/QC) editing, sequence BLAST capabilities and a tool for interactive submission to GenBank. Another feature of this resource is the integration with a scientific computing analysis environment implemented by MATLAB.

Tools Used:

HTML, CSS, Custom Perl, JavaScript, MATLAB, PHP, PostGreSQL

Active Link:

Scientific Publication
Newspaper report
Web Link